Shipping Policy
Most all items are in stock and ready to ship.
Please allow 1-2 days for processing your order.
Please provide a valid email address and or telephone number. Should your order be delayed for any reason we will contact you immediately with an estimated delivery.
If your order is shipping UPS next day or second day, please don't hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-888-273-5180 if you have any questions.
Shipping rates are in real time directly from UPS charts. They are based upon the weight of the items purchased.
Filtration, Baldwin, Bosch, Flow Ezy, Fleetguard, Gresen, Hitachi, Hycon, Hydac, Hy-Pro, Moog, MP Filtri, Norman, Pall, Parker, Prince, Schroeder, Separation Technologies, SMC, Stauff, Triboguard, UFI, Vickers, Wix, Zinga, and Separation Technologies. Sealing Components, Oil Seals, U-cups, Seal Kits.